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Why should I vote?

Hugo Black was a Supreme Court judge. He said there is “no right more precious” than voting. The Right to Vote is precious because it gives you a voice in your community. If you have a disability that cannot be seen, it is important for your voice to be heard.

The United States is a democracy. This means that Voting in Elections allows you to choose your leaders. Elected Officials are people in government with the power to make changes that affect your life and your community.

They make decisions about important issues such as:

  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and compliance with it

  • Accessible voting

  • Affordable housing

  • Criminal justice

  • Jobs and training

  • Healthcare access, Medicaid (provider reimbursement), and reproductive rights

  • Schools

  • Social isolation

  • Transportation

  • Waiting lists for waivers and public services

Our right to vote is protected by law. Georgia laws control when, how, and where our elections are held. Federal laws, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, protect the right of people with disabilities to receive voting accommodations. Federal laws make it illegal to restrict our right to vote because of race, gender, or disability. Laws also require that every step of the voting process be accessible.

Sometimes elections are won by a tiny number of votes, In Georgia in 2020, the Democratic candidate for President was Joseph Biden. He won by only 11,779 votes. That is a very small percentage of the votes. No one know when elections will be that close. That’s why every vote election matters. Your vote counts in every election!